Spain is home to some of the top centers in basic research but has historically been lacking behind in converting science into sellable technology. This has changed. Over the last decade an attractive biotech ecosystem has developed with increasing interest from international investors.
Spain ranks 9th worldwide in scientific production in biotech and has the highest percentage of scientific papers in high-impact journals of any country (83.3%).
Growing interest and number of deals in digital health with increasing interest from other digital
technology investors who are attracted by the Healthcare Industry.
Fundraising by Life Science companies has doubled over the last 5 years. 2020 is expected to be a record year with a 50% increase despite the COVID-19 pandemic because these are science-based, long-term investments.
The number and especially the size of seed financing rounds has constantly been increasing in recent years demonstrating a growing confidence of (inter)national investors in Spanish science and technology
especially in the Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products area. Spain is considered a hotspot in Cell & Gene Therapy (CGT) and Oncology ranked in the top 5 in Europe in these strategic areas in publications
as well as patent filing by local institutions. The Spanish biotech ecosystem is well positioned in Advanced Therapies with 43% and 25% of Spanish biotech companies focusing on Oncology and CGT, respectively.